I run across it on tv. I run across it online.
The staggering level of ignorance in our world.
And it's more than sad. It's tragic.
Because we live in a day and an age when people should instead, be at their smartest.
Now me, I'm of the baby boom generation, and grew up in a world before computers. I know that for some of you, that's hard to grasp. But yes, we lived and worked and got along just fine before computers and cell phones and the internet.
Don't get me wrong. I love the computers and the internet. Cell phones ...... eah, I've never cared for phones anyhow. When I graduated business college, they were just beginning to teach desktop computers. Connecting to another computer was done via the phone lines then, and there was no internet. That, good people, was the mid 1980s.
When I was in grade school to high school, and you had to write a report, it meant a trek to the library and digging through their set of encyclopedias. You had to make notes in writing on paper.
But today, if a kid has to do a report for school, all they have to do is pull up a browser and start searching for info. Knowledge is so readily available to EVERYONE!
Fake news? It's easily verified what is true and what is not. All you have to do is pull up a browser and do some searching and some reading.
So what? Do people not know how to read anymore?
And don't use lack of a computer as an excuse. People can browse the internet with their phone now. Computers are available to use at pretty much every public library in the United States.
You have no excuse for being ignorant!
You have no excuse for being uneducated!
Not in this day and age.
There are far too many opportunities to learn.
When my mother was young, she walked to a one room school house. People of her generation put a premium on being educated. They would put out the effort to get to a school. They would gladly put in the effort to learn. Because education was a precious and important thing.
But we've lost that today.
People don't put a premium on learning and education. It isn't important to some people anymore. They have no problem with coming off as stupid in front of others.
But they should.
It should bother them. They should have a thirst for learning.
A thirst for knowing the truth,
for learning about things,
for learning about others.
It would also help if honor and respect and manners and etiquette were also still major factors in our society today.
We live in a very technologically advanced age.
But people are more ill-mannered, rude, and ignorant than ever before.
They have no respect for others, or their opinions.
And double standards abound.
Yes folks, it's a very sad age that we live in, because many people in this world are morally bankrupt, educationally ignorant, cruel people.
If the younger generations want to make this world a better place, then they have to strive to become better people.
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