Sunday, July 22, 2018

Guest post by Charles Driggers - Sinners in the hands of an angry God.

 Quote -- 
"I enjoy my beer as much as the next guy."
These words were penned by a good active churchman on a sports website. It sums up in a nutshell the problem facing the church in the 21st century.

I first observed it when God got the boot from our schools.
Next to fall was the Lord's Day.

The church offered little resistance to the lure of money and convenience.

The next thing to fall was preaching against divorce. The term adopted was irreconcilable differences. People didn't want the truth anymore and the pastor's voice went strangely silent on the subject.

I haven't even touched on the greatest sin in American History. Over 63 million American babies have been slaughtered in the womb of their mothers! Are we so ignorant of the ways of God?

On and on, the church failed, giving in to the demands of this sinful world.

The problem in a nutshell is simple:
churchmen want their church on Sunday and their favorite sins on Monday through Saturday night.

Preachers have fallen in love with their fat paychecks.

Thus saith the Lord has been replaced with nice warm sermonettes that warms the hearer and tickles their fancy.

I warn you today!
Payday is coming!
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness...... 
before it's to late. 
