Please note, I'm referring to the stupidity that goes on in Washington, D.C. Never in my life have I known of a group of people to be so clustered together in one area, that was so gifted at making the simplest things difficult. But Washington D.C. - our nation's capitol - abounds with just that sort of people.
I spent some time today watching the House intelligence committee on tv. Well, I didn't find much intelligence there. For one thing, they kept asking questions that Comey and the other guy couldn't or wouldn't answer there in that public setting. So why have it?
Here's my theory - so they would have a chance to sit there on their fat government asses and spew out their propaganda. Because that's exactly what they did.
They didn't address at all the folks who have been leaking classified government documents to members of the press. I don't think they asked about that much at all even. But they are still obsessed with Russia. You know, if they're all so obsessed with Russia, why don't they all just move there. I think it would do our country a whole lot of good.
I've come to the conclusion that our government is a walking clusterfuck of epic proportions. What would do it a lot of good is to evict all the politicians and send poor people, ordinary people, housewives, to Washington. Send someone up there who isn't a politician or a lawyer or a billionaire. It would do our government a world of good.
I mean, that's who we started out with you know.
Just ordinary folks who wanted to live free, to have a better life.
Seems we've forgotten that. What a pity.