Monday, May 9, 2016

Playing catch-up

Have you ever played catch-up?
And no, it's not a game.

It's what you do when circumstances of one kind or another have caused you to get behind, and you're getting caught up on stuff. That's me, getting caught up on stuff.

Does the stuff ever totally get away from you?
I don't think any of mine has totally gotten away from me, but I do have a good bit of catch-up to do. But it's not as bad as it has been before. Over the past year, I've gotten a good bit of that catch up stuff done, but there's still more to do.

Then there's emails .....
Yeah, those can be so easy to get behind on. And then you just have to wade through them and get caught up.

Something not catching up related .....
I finally found myself an easy to use app so I can upload pictures from my computer to my instagram account. That's a lot of fun. I love to take pictures, so I have loads to upload. You can find me on instagram here:

Also, I've given my links tab on here the once over, and that's up to date.

Well, back to my catching up. Take care
-- jd --