Monday, January 9, 2017

The short and long of it for Monday, Jan. 9

This started out as a facebook post, and it's still there:

And so, I decided to expand upon it here in a blog post; so, let's begin.

-- Democrats need to grow up and get over it already because YOU LOST!
I mean really, have you witnessed such a huge bunch of crybabies as the democrats are being? They are all doing stuff, just to be hateful to Trump, from the potus on down. Stuff that hurts our country, our allies. I mean, really! When you start hurting our nation and our allies with your bitchy, hateful behavior, it's time to suck it up and act like an adult and get over it already. Those nitwits in Washington are supposed to be working for our nation's best interests - not the damn democratic party's best interests. Right now, the New York white house is beating out the Washington white house for being presidential. The 20th can't come soon enough.

--- The far left liberals who want an anything goes society needs to suck it up and deal with it because being conservative isn't a dirty word anymore.
For 8 years, they've made it a dirty word to be conservative, and I'm tired of it. There's nothing wrong with being conservative. We're not bigots! We're not deplorable, despite what a certain has-been politician seemed to think. Conservative, hard-working people have built this nation .... made it great .... they've been the backbone of this nation for it's entire life. Those pitiful, boozy, crybaby college kids better toughen up if they want to be the backbone of this nation. Traditional values are a good thing, and have nothing to do with bigotry or stupidity!

--- All those who loved political correctness needs to pull up their panties and brace themselves because that animal is out the damn door.
This political correctness is some of the stupidest stuff that this nation has ever done. When you bend over backwards so far in order to avoid offending this one or that one, to the point where you even betray your own beliefs ..... ??? That is the height of stupidity. There's a country music song that applies to this perfectly, and I'll share the video:
You've got to stand for something, or you ain't worth a damn; and our nation hasn't been worth a damn for about 8 years now. It's long past time we changed that, and quit kissing people's asses.

--- And NO, you NIMRODS! Being enemies with the Russians isn't a good thing. Being friends and working together is a lot better.
'Oh gee, let's just haul off and make Russia mad at us. Yeah, that's a good thing, isn't it?'
NO DUMBASS! IT'S NOT! Being friends with Russia beats the hell out of having them as an enemy. Maybe a lot of you younger ones don't remember the cold war, but I sure as hell do. Worrying if the nuclear missiles were going to fly one day for real. Geeze! Grow a brain people and use it for something other than filling out your ass! We need to be on friendly terms with Russia. Fortunately for us, Putin has more sense than Obama. This all goes back to the being hateful for hateful's sake I mentioned above. 

--- And the reason social security is struggling so isn't because there hasn't been enough babies born; it's because those damn politicians used social security as their own personal slush fund. If they had of left alone the monies that we paid in, it would be fine.
This last one was spurred by some nimrod who was on Fox and Friends, claiming that people needed to start having more babies, and that would fix social security. Claimed there wasn't enough people working to pay the seniors the benefits they were promised. BULLSHIT! The seniors of today are me and my counterparts, the Baby Boom Generation. Our social security benefits should be paid by the money we paid in when we were working, so there should be plenty of $$$ for our benefits. The reason there isn't is because Washington politicians have raided social security time and time again, never putting anything back, and have done it to the point where it's practically bankrupt! That one really set me off as it was such utter nonsense.

--- Our liberal, lame-butt universities
This is another thing that sets me off. Many of our universities have become, put quite simply, dens of iniquity. Sports players oftentimes choose what school they will play at based solely on how many pretty girls it has and if it is a good party school. The students go there and party and booze it up and who knows what else. They were so upset over the election that they had to be excused from classes and provided with coloring books and other such nonsense. Yet, they weren't too upset to go riot in the streets, disrespecting this nation and it's election process. Oh, and they have to have classes to teach them how to be adults ..... ? Just what the hell are they being taught? Because it sure doesn't sound like it is anything that's worth a damn.

--- And that's the short and long of it, here on Monday, January 9th, 2017.